Monday, May 7, 2018

The Last Phoenix, Part Two

Apparently I am not good at waiting.

I went ahead and made the top for The Last Phoenix. It didn't take too long, just a trip to a LQS about 40 miles away (one of my favorites!) and back again, and then a center seam and some applique work. Nevertheless, I am pleased with it.

Err... ignore the lawn mower. We need a place to store it while we're using it, and the studio is a good place with free space.

The quilting will have to wait, though!

The other thing I worked on on Friday (took a day off from the day job) was the Anniversary Quilt. It HOPEFULLY will go smoothly. We will see! I have everything ready, just have to do it. That is, applique a whole lot of stuff and quilt a whole lot of stuff.

At any rate, I also finished The View from Godzilla's Mouth.

That makes my lists look something like this:

1. The Last Phoenix - Done!
2.  Hawkeye Minimalist - Done
3. The View from Godzilla's Mouth - Done
4. AQ - Done
5. Mermaid Scales - Done
6. Aztec Sunrise - Done
7. Cathedral - Done
8. Anniversary Quilt - in progress! (Woo-hoo!)
9. Goth Cathedral Window (in progress!)

All I have to do to meet my goal for the year (as far as piecing tops goes) is to finish the Anniversary Quilt. I feel like I may have under-estimated my desire to piece things!

I was only intending to quilt 5 quilts:
1. The View from Godzilla's Mouth - DONE
2. Mermaid Scales - Done
3. AQ - Done
4. Goth Cathedral Window - in progress
5. Clipper Ship - in progress

I am beginning to wonder if I under-estimated on quilting as well! (In terms of blocks, Clipper Ship is a quarter done).

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