Friday, March 2, 2018

Writing Update

When I was in 6th grade, I decided that I wanted to be a writer. I should have specified that I wanted to be a PUBLISHED author.  :)

I am still seeking an agent for Choosers Without a Choice, which is the first book in a series of modern fantasy.

I am still seeking an agent for Two Corbies (which really needs more editing).

I am working on a novella entitled Bacon as the Downfall of Humanity.

And.... now have an idea for a television show.

I REALLY need to have/make more time for writing these days.

And as soon as I am done with Faire projects, I will do so! (uh huh.)

And working on the plot for the third book in the Choosers series.

So, there's lots of writing going on, and planning, and such.

One of these days I am going to make a quilt based on one of my stories... and I think I know just the one!!!!