Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The other things I do

Because a girl can't have enough hobbies... right?

I also sew costuming. Mostly for myself - because I can always fit myself.

 Here we have one of my favorites - a modified Saxon gown in teal, dressed up and made a little more formal. It was meant for the dress of a Danish sheriff.

The character was stiff and strict, and so the formality of the outfit matched her personality very well. This was round two of the costume - round one had a train and was less formal in appearance. I prefer this one. It was worn with a massive hat.

I try very hard to match outfit to character personality. It's easier if the two match - it's easier for people to know how to interact with the character. (This is all for a Renaissance Festival, by the way). For the sheriff, people expected her to be a little more serious. Which she was, other than the book she was writing. We won't go into that here, though, because that was sheer silliness.

Here we have one in progress - 16th century Russian. It's not entirely stitched together, (the trim is just pinned at the top, and it's still missing straps for the dress). The overcoat will be trimmed and have faux sleeves attached, and then I will consider it done.

This may wind up being a one-shot - we'll see. At the very least, after the first wearing I will take the coat apart and line it so my seams don't show, and find a little more of the snazzier fabric for the dress, because right now the back (which won't be seen), is a cotton that MOSTLY matches the front.

Oh, and how lovely - you also get a sneak peek into both the studio (the top pic) with plant life in the background (studio doubles as a greenhouse when it gets cold), and my bedroom! (please excuse the mess).



Monday, October 16, 2017

Quilting and Writing

I've been so busy on the quilting aspect of life that I haven't posted much about the writing part of my life.

I've been writing little snippets and bits, chucking out the dross that clouds up my mind so I can write some decent stuff again.

Still searching for an agent for Choosers, and one for Weasel Montgomery and the Devil of Dallas, and soon will add Twa Corbies to the mix (once I do a leeeetle re-writing to take out one of the worst scenes I've ever written).

Mostly, it's quilting.

Boston Molasses is done, Black Widow is done, and Heart of (Lime)Stone is almost done. I have more quilts planned, but since this is the year of finishing UFOs, the new ones will have to wait.

This one is high on my list, though.... this is the roof of the Japanese Tea Pavilion in the Sunken Gardens in San Antonio, Texas. I WILL make a quilt of this.

Y'know... after I make Sandstone Variations, Ballet Folklorico, and, and, and.

*need more time in the day*