Quilters are a diverse lot, and I love that.
But there are days when I look at other blogs and think "Oh, lords, I don't look anything like that. No one will care about my little blog. I am not bright and cheerful and colorful and... and.. and...."
But I am not other quilters. I am me.
We go into LQS X and get weird looks, as though we don't belong. I am usually in weekend gear of geek t-shirt and jeans and a hoodie. We get ignored. We get raised eyebrows. We are thrilled when we find a store that looks past the clothing to see the quilters beneath. We have been asked "You've quilted for that long?" and heard "Oh, you really are a quilter!" more than once. People have talked a lot recently about embracing diversity in quilting - modern, traditional, art, primitive, men who quilt, younger people who quilt, quilters of color. All of that is FABULOUS.
Does that diversity extend to geeks? I don't really know. It doesn't feel like it to me. It feels like if you are making a geek-themed quilt, it ranks up there with crude piecing and messy quilting - something that we know is out there, but we don't TALK about it.
I don't know if it works the other way. If geeks don't embrace quilting. But I am a geeky quilter. I see the good and bad in both sides of the aisle.
Geeky Quilts. For a reason.
Because I am a geek. Because I like geeky things. Comics, movies, certain television shows. Books. Y'know, the stuff that gets labeled "Geek" this or "Nerd" that. Mythbusters. LotR. The Avengers (well, some of them. Some of them annoy me).
Oh, and Day of the Dead. That's a thing, too. And Halloween. And Godzilla. And renaissance festivals.
Looking at this, I know there are other quilters out there who enjoy at least some of the same things. We are, after all, a diverse lot.
If I can be a guiding arc reactor light to someone else who likes the geek-based life, that's fabulous. If I can introduce a geek to quilting, that's amazing. I don't think of myself as a role model, but people keep telling me otherwise. :)
So I'm going to keep going with my geeky quilts.
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Made for my sister. The fabric is actually a very pale blue that looks like the shine from the arc reactor. |