I love Fizzgig. He is one of my spirit animals (from Dark Crystal, if you don't remember/have never seen it). He sums up what my attitude is about a lot of things. Maybe I should make a Dark Crystal quilt one of these days... stained glass-looking, with Skeksis and Fizzgig and the gelflings, and landstriders, and all the lovely that was Thra. I can see it in my mind, almost a movie-poster in detail and such. I may have to start drawing this out. It would take me a while, but it might just be worth it. *Makes note* *Looks at quilt design list and sighs*
As an aside, I watched a special on the making of Dark Crystal, and it was this special that got me interested in stilts. I wanted (and still want) to be able to move on stilts like a landstrider. It seems somehow freeing.
ANYWAY... When I wasn't feeling Fizzgig-ish this weekend, I managed to get some things done! (Oooohhh..... aaaahhhhh).

Number One - Saturday. I wanted to make a more structured purse than I usually do, so I turned to a pattern I found at one of my LQS. When I got into it, I decided I didn't care for the pattern - it seemed unnecessarily complex. Since I tend to streamline things (aka, I'm a little lazy), I made some modifications. I tossed more than half the pattern pieces, shortened the strap (I'm short), and made a few other minor changes. It went together pretty quickly after that! The pattern called for upholstery weight fabric, but I wanted to use quilting cotton, so I put a layer of polyester batting between and moved on with life. I don't use polyester batting for anything else these days, certainly not in quilts, so I use it where I can to get rid of it. It worked out rather well - enough so that I may have to make another one. And figure out how to make more of the handles... I want to have them in nicer woods - mesquite, cherry, and so on. I think it would bring out details in some of the fabrics I want to use. The purse is completely washable - just have to take the wooden handles out first. Overall, I like it!

Project Two - Sunday. I finally found the fabric I wanted for this - the background building fabric. I had some, lost it, looked forever, found this, and then promptly found the original. Isn't that how it goes? *shrug* The prairie points are in a glow-in-the-dark fabric, because why not? This one isn't huge, and not QUITE done... I still have to quilt it. But, here it is: The View from Godzilla's Mouth. The quilting will be other kaiju - Mothra, Gidorah, maybe Jet Jaguar... in glow in the dark thread. Because I can, and why not??
I also managed to get my project boxes re-organized and re-arranged, so I can actually find the projects I want to work on this year. Currently, my goal for tops this year is 8, including View from Godzilla's Mouth. So I have finished one already! *cheers myself*
Tonight I will try to take pictures of my project boxes. I am pleased with them. Organization makes me happy.
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