It occurred to me that I didn't NEED to piece it. Since it's only 36" square, I could just cut two pieces of fabric the size I needed and stitch them together! (D'oh). So that's exactly what I did.
I stitched them together on three sides, right sides together, and then turned it right side out and ironed it. Then I measured and marked lines 6" apart on the back like a grid. I first stitched the channels that ran from the open side - the "top" to the bottom.
Then I had to do math. :)
I wanted my blanket to be 10 pounds. So I took 10 lbs. and multiplied it by 16 (oz. in a lb.) to get 160. Then I divided 160 by 36, for the number of squares I was going to have. That gave me almost 4.5 ounces of filling pellets per square.
So, into each column went approx. 4.something ounces. Then I dragged it over to the sewing machine and stitched the horizontal lines, sealing those 6 squares off. And repeat, allllll the way to the top. It went faster than anticipated, and it wasn't THAT hard to stitch, except for the last row. For the top, I folded the fabric over twice and stitched over that. Hopefully that will keep those pesky little pellets in the quilt where they belong!
It was simple, and quick, and it works lovely! As I finished it, I was already thinking of ways to improve on it. So I will be making a few more, including a much smaller one - 12" x 36" that isn't as heavy (obviously), that I can take to work and lay in my lap when I need it. The big one is just too bulky for my office chair.
Of course I took it to my therapist, to show her. She was enchanted by it, and now wants one of her own. :) I call that a win! It's such a nice weight - not too heavy, but not too light either. I can feel it, and it helps calm the anxiety and the sensory stuff, and seems to even help with restless legs. Not a cure-all, but darned handy!
I am still cutting hexies - as of last night I am up to 1,945. Soon... sooon! Soon I will have to start stitching them together and buying a ton of stuffing to go in them. I haven't even exhausted our stash o' fabrics yet. Although I am getting closer.
Here's a pic of a calendar I was sent... I have ALMOST decided to make a quilted version. Not that I am obsessed with Hawkeye or anything... but if it comes out well, I could try some of the others from the inside. It's SUCH a cool calendar!!! I don't know if it's State Fair quilting, but it would be funny!!!
More pics and such later!!
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