Diving right in:
Over the weekend I made calculations on how many hexies I will need to make my beekeeper's quilt. Grand total: 2400. Yikes!!!

Even when we went shopping for fabric, I didn't buy anything just for the quilt. Although I may have bought some fabric for another quick project that won't take up all the fabric I bought... so I might be cheating a little. Maybe.
Here's about 1100 hexies strewn out over the worktable in the studio. It doesn't look like much right now... but hopefully by the end of the long weekend I will have several hundred more hexies done.
And then - then I can start the sewing!!! Woot!
The best part of this process has been the browsing through fabrics. I pick them up all over the place - on road trips, on random trips, in my state, in all the states around my state... and some from fabric swaps. Right now, the piece that has traveled the furthest came to me from Ireland! And almost every piece has a bit of story attached to it. Quilts I've made that have gone to people I love. Quilts that other people made after I taught them to quilt. A piece from this trip. From this person. It's a scrap book in quilt form. It has, for the moment, helped me ameliorate the symptoms of depression by showing me all the ways I am connected to people, through my quilts and other sewing projects.
Rambling through the internet today, I found something ELSE I am going to make for myself: a lap blanket or lap weight. Last year, for those who haven't been following long, I was diagnosed as high-functioning autistic. That was news to me - although looking back it makes sense, which I guess is the way things work. I have always loved snuggling under several layers of blankets, which works out to a weighted blanket. But at work that isn't really feasible. I sometimes feel like I need a seatbelt at work, and it FINALLY occurred to me that I could make a weighted mini-blanket - a small lap blanket - and keep it at work for both warmth and weight. (duh. I know. Sometimes it takes me a while to think about things like this).
It won't be anything special, but it will be made of fabric that I like. Basic piecing, basic stitching, but I am already looking forward to it! Hopefully I can get that done and pictures posted before too much longer has passed.
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