I'd love to post a pic of Cathedral, but I forgot to take a good one. So that will have to happen tomorrow.
But I didn't want too long to pass without posting, or I'd forget entirely! Four tops made (well, will be done when the applique work is done on Cathedral)!
4 more to go: My parents' 60th anniversary quilt, Ballet Folklorico, and the other two. Currently the two I will be working on are tentatively called Fiesta Ware and Dungeon. They are two entirely different kinds of quilts.
Dungeon will be (hopefully) one of our patterns for sale, once I get the test one done and measure fabrics and such. The secret quilt (that I cannot show yet) will be another one. We are starting to gear up towards a goal of eventually being able to sell patterns and make some of our own hand-dyed fabric.
But right now I am trying to concentrate on getting ready for the Renaissance Festival. Yup. I have sewing to do for it, lessons to prep, a character to pull back together, and all while doing all the other things I want to do.
Like submitting to more agents. I got another rejection the other day for one of my fantasy novels. Onward to the next agent!
Oh, and trying to get a book on quilting done - I have 5 of the 11 projects planned out, am making the test version of one of them, working on the patterns for 2 more, and pondering what to do for 6 of them. I should really make a couple of them smaller patterns: mini-quilts, throws, or pillows. Or something. *makes notes*
It's a long road to get most of this done, but it will happen.

1. Patterns to develop
2. Tops to complete in 2018
3. Books to find agents for in 2018
4. Sewing for faire 2018
5. Books to write (both fiction and non-fiction)
6. Daily chores
7. Weekly chores
8. Big chores (house-type stuff)
9. Weaving projects (!)
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